July 12, '04. ...old time gaps be not forgotten...

Many traders focus on the morning's gap exclusively and foolishly forget about previous day's unfilled gaps today. These old unfilled gap can be the most significant points of support/resistance of the day, and more, price has a tendency to be called back to these gaps as if unfinished business was awaiting before further trend resolution can unfold. In the 60-min chart above for the Russell 2000, symbol MR04U or ER2, price signaled a trend reversal after an initial decline from a unfilled gap nearly a month old, from June 15th. Along with the other elements of the signal, the trade was worth nearly 7 points. Learn the rules for marking unfilled gaps in the training course from valhallafutures. (The complete quote "Way back yonder on the charts of cotton, old time gaps be not forgotten" is a witicism from Randolph Newman, a floor trader from the former New Orleans Cotton Exchange and mentor to the author as a young man.)