Long 2 YM 17119, 17113, +10, -0
Long 1 YM 17119, -10
Long 2 TF 1166.3, 1166.4, +0.7, +4.0
Long 2 NQ 4097.75, 4097.75, +5.0, +9.0
Total YM -0
Total NQ +14.0
Total TF +4.7
Earlier in week was spanked hard by overplaying what I read as just a pullback, ignoring a WorkDone signal at the slam-down low, Channel Midpoint support from two days earlier. There is a temptation to try and get those losses back quickly. This often results in a sort of revenge trading, taking even greater risks than those that incurred the losses in the first place. But the best revenge is consistency. Once lost, that money is gone forever. You can never actually get that piece of capital back. But you can recover your positive equity curve by returning to consistently profitable days. Forget your losses, unless they trigger a Behavior Governor that returns you to the simulator. Instead, focus on the day at hand. Stay disciplined. Return to consistency and profits will return to your account to overtake your losses. ...but your losses......those are gone for good.