Wed Apr 27 Trade Signals Journal


Short 3 MNQ 13174.75, 13174.75, 13174.75,  -5.25, -5.25, -5.25
Short 3 MNQ 13181.5, 13181.5, 13181.5, -5.25, -5.25, -5.25
Short 3 MNQ 13193.75, 13193.75, 13193.75, -5.25, -5.25, -5.25
Short 3 MNQ 13202.25, 13202.25, 13202.25, -5.25, -5.25, -5.25
Short 3 MNQ 13221.5, 13221.5, 13221.5, -5.25, -5.25, -5.25
Short 3 MNQ 13226.75, 13226.75, 13226.75, -5.25, -5.25, -5.25
Long 3 MNQ 13034.5, 13034.5, 13034.5, -5.25, -5.25, -5.25
Long 3 MNQ 13020.0, 13020.0, 13020.0, -5.25, -5.25, -5.25
Long 3 MNQ 12953.25, 12953.25, 12953.25, +55.25, +55.25, +55.25, 
Long 3 MNQ  12942.75, 12942.75, 12942.75, -5.25, -5.25, -5.25
Long 3 MNQ 12939.5, 12939.5, 12939.5,  +55.25, +55.25, +55.25, 

Total MNQ +189.75

I keep saying to traders in the chat room, "these are the most volatile swings I have seen in my 40+ years of trading.."    ...and then a day like today appears, and I'm astounded yet again.