Fri Apr 23 Trade Signals & Journal

Short 5 MNQ 13820.25, 13820.25, 13820.25, 13820.25, 13820.25,+21.5, +21.5, +21.5, +21.5, +21.5, 
Short 5 MNQ 13823.0, 13823.0, 13823.0, 13823.0, 13823.0, -3.0, -3.0, -3.0, -3.0, -3.0,
Short 5 MNQ 13825.5, 13825.5, 13825.5, 13825.5, 13825.5, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, 
Short 5 MNQ 13836.25, 13836.25, 13836.25, 13836.25,  13836.25,  -1.75, -1.75, -1.75, -1.75, -1.75,  
Short 5 MNQ 13838.25, 13838.25, 13838.25, 13838.25, 13838.25,  -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0,  
Short 5 MNQ 13851.50, 13851.50, 13851.50, 13851.50, 13851.50,  +17.5, +17.5, +17.5, +17.5, +17.5, 
Long 5 MNQ 13826.75, 13826.75, 13826.75, 13826.75, 13826.75, +15.75,  +15.75, +15.75, +15.75, +15.75, 
Total MNQ +121.25
Underestimating the underlying strength in the bull has always been a weakness.  It always seems understandable when bears rip through one level of support after another... after all, doesn't it just seem like the inevitable weight of gravity finally having its way..    But for the bulls, where does this rocket fuel for these Moon shots come from?   
One clue today was the scar left from the sudden news collapse at the very highs of the previous day.  Price wants the total recovery of these air pockets when the underlying trend is still in play.   Since the day often starts out in swings around the ORB, good gains can be made just playing those swings.   But the thing to avoid at all costs is attempting to step in front of the rocket ship as begins to leave Earth's gravity.  For thinking that it's done enough as those previous highs are approached denies how much power the thrusts can bring when there is simply no further atmosphere to contain it...   and on she goes... 
...and a good weekend to all...