Mon Dec 6 2021 Trade Signals and Journal

Short 3 MES 4551.5, 4551.5, 4551.5, -2.75, -2.75, -2.75, 
Short 3 MES 4561.75, 4561.75, 4561.75, -2.75, -2.75, -2.75, 
Short 3 NQ 15674.5, 15674.5, 15674.5, +21.75, +21.75, +21.75,
Total MES -16.5 
Total NQ +65.25

On three different trading days have I used the 10x larger NQ contract for my Nasdaq index signals instead of the Micro MNQ's.   On all three of those days, that proved to be a huge boon to daily profits...      but quite contrary to what this bit of false 'intelligence' might imply, there's the real shame in it.    I did it by accident.   I keep the NQ and MNQ in the same window, but separated into overlapping panes by the Tab allotment device of NinjaTrader 8.   ...a great feature, to be sure.   But the background colors of those two contracts are not set distinct enough, apparently, because I have grabbed the larger NQ contract with my mouse when taking signals without initially even noticing it on three different days.     
I try not to look at the dollar figure that prints into the Ninjatrader Control Window.   And with the 1ClickChartDOM, my trading app of choice, I set the P&L to show points only.  
And so, I have to count some blessings, it seems, on these three occasions, as at those particular times, I was not already digging myself into a losing hole with successive trade signals.    
Actually, in the days that have followed, the volatility has even gotten worse (or better, depending on your point of view), and I'm actually considering lowering my position size in the Micro's from 3 units to just 2.  .... that's how quickly losses can pile up.   
In your Trade Plan, adjustments to default position stop-loss amounts should be changed only after serious considerations, as the habit and tendency to change them on the fly can be great during the pressure of trying not to lose.    But perhaps it's time I take a look at going from 5pts for the Nasdaq to 7 or even 10, and adjust the position size in Micro contracts accordingly.