Tues Apr 15 Trades & Journal

Short 1 TF 1118.6, +1.5
Short 1 YM 16177, -7
Short 2 YM 16185, 16187, -3, -5
Short 1 TF 1120.9, -0.4
Short 2 TF 1121.3, 1121.1, +0.7, +1.0
Long 1 TF 1117.3, -0.5
Long 2 NQ 3479.75, 3479.5, -1.0, +2.0
Long 2 TF 1113.7, 1113.7, -0.7, -0.7
Long 5 NQ 3465.0, 3465.0, 3465.0, 3465.0, 3466.5, +2.0, +4.0, +5.0, -1.0, +3.0
Long 2 TF 1102.5, 1102.5, +1.0, +3.0
Long 1 TF 1103.3, -0.7
Long 1 NQ 3438.5, -2.0
Long 1 TF 1198.6, +4.0
Total YM -15
Total NQ +12.0
Total TF +8.2

Big swings can be bigger profits, and even a default target of +4 can leave a lot on the table on a day like this, but I showed no patience at the top at all. One large profit at the end came slightly out of Plan, when the full extension of the TF move down failed to materialize. Cheating the Trade Plan when models are incomplete....and then being rewarded for it, will almost always have its comeuppance if other such 'intuition' type leaks get through the iron laws of the Trade Plan. In this case, I rationalized the position with a tight stop-loss just beyond tick bar support, on a retest. I only deserved half the day I actually had... and just to show me the value of true patience, the whole Trade Entry Model appeared some 10 minutes later and went twice the distance than the trade I actually took. Stick with your plan. The best rewards come from consistency, not the occasional lucky strike.