Thur Nov 30 Trade Signal Summary

Short 1 RTY 1550.4, +2.0
Short 1 RTY 1549.0, +0.1
Long 1 RTY 1547.6, +2.0
Long 1 RTY 1547.3, -0.1
Short 1 YM 24078, -7
Short 1 YM 24084, 24086, +20, +12
Short 1 NQ 6349.0, +2.0
Long 1 NQ 6352.0, +4.0
Total YM +25
Total NQ +6.0
Total RTY +4.0

Wed Nov 29 Trade Signal Summary

Long 1 NQ 6485.5, -2.0
Long 2 NQ 6483.0, 6483.0, +4.0, -0.0
Short 2 YM 23924, 23924, -7, -7
Short 2 NQ 6486.25, 6486.5, +5.0, +10.0
Long 1 NQ 6446.0, -2.0
Long 1 NQ 6444.25, -2.0
Long 2 RTY 1543.5, 1543.5, +0.8, -0.8
Long 2 RTY 1542.7, 1542.7, +0.7, +3.5
Total NQ +13.0
Total RTY +4.2

Tues Nov 28 Trade Signal Summary

Long 1 NQ 6417.0, -2.0
Long 1 RTY 1515.4, +2.4
Short 1 NQ 6416.75, +3.0
Short 1 NQ 6419.0, 6420.25, -0.0, +4.0
Total NQ +5.0
Total RTY +2.4

Mon Nov 27 Trade Signal Summary

Trade Summary
Short 2 YM 23531, 23531, -7, -7
Short 2 NQ 6414.0, 6413.25, -2.5, -3.0
Short 4 RTY 1523.6, 1523.6, 1524.2, 1524.2, +1.0, +1.0, +2.0, +2.0
Short 2 YM 23588, 23583, -7, -0
Short 1 NQ 6419.25, -2.0
Short 2 YM 23588, 23588, -7, -7
Long 1 NQ 6419.75, -1.0
Short 2 YM 23610, 23610, +11, +11
Long 2 NQ 6202.75, 6303.0, -1.5, -2.0
Long 2 NQ 6298.75, 6298.75, -2.0, -2.0
Long 2 RTY 1515.3, 1515.3, +1.0, -0.0
Long 2 NQ 6396.75, 6396.75, +5.0, +5.0
Short 2 NQ 6307.75, 6307.25, +2.0, +2.0
Total YM -13
Total NQ -2.0
Total RTY +7.0

Wed Nov 22 Trade Call Summary

Short 1 NQ 6380.0, -0.0
Long 2 RTY 1523.0, 1523.0, +1.0, +1.0
Long 2 RTY 1521.9, 1521.8, +0.8, -0.0
Long 3 RTY 1520.5, 1521.0, 1520.6, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0
Long 6 RTY 1520.2, 1520.2, 1519.7, 1519.7, 1519.2, 1519.2, -1.4, -1.4, +1.0, +1.0, +1.5, +1.5
Total NQ -0.0
Total RTY +5.0

....and a Happy Thanksgiving to all

Tues Nov 21 Trade Signal Summary

Short 2 YM 23533, 23533, -7, -7
Short 2 NQ 6367.75, 6367.75, -0.0, -0.0
Short 2 NQ 6370.0, 6370.0, +2.0, -0.25
Short 2 YM 23547, 23547, +10, +20
Short 2 RTY 1514.9, 1514.9, +0.7, -1.0
Short 2 RTY 1516.4, 1516.4, 1517.5, 1517.5, -1.8, -1.8, -1.4, -1.4
Short 2 NQ 6378.25, 6378.25, 6379.5, 6379.25, +2.0, -2.0, +4.0, +1.0
Short 2 RTY 1420.1, 1420.1, 1420.1, 1420.1, 1421.0, 1421.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, +2.0, +2.0
Short 2 NQ 6382.0, 6382.0, +2.0, +5.0
Long 2 RTY 1416.6, 1416.6, -0.5, -0.5
Short 2 RTY 1415.9, 1415.9, -0.3, -0.3
Total YM +16
Total NQ +17.75
Total RTY -4.3

Mon Nov 20 Trade Signal Summary

Long 2 NQ 6317.5, 6317.5, +2.0, +3.0
Short 1 YM 23402, -6
Short 2 NQ 6321.75, 6322.5, +5.0, +6.0
Short 1 RTY 1495.7, -0.4
Short 2 RTY 1496.7, 1496.7, -0.0, -0.0
Short 2 YM 23414, 23414, +7, -1
Total YM -0
Total NQ +16.0
Total RTY -0.4

Fri Nov 17 Trade Signal Summary

Short 2 RTY 1485.2, 1485.0, +1.0, +2.0
Short 1 RTY 1485.5, -0.4
Long 1 NQ 6332.25, +4.5
Long 1 NQ 6332.75, +5.5
Total NQ +10.0
Total RTY +2.6

Thurs Trade Summary and Journal

Short 2 NQ 6311.75, 631175, +2.0, +5.0
Short 1 NQ 6310.5, -2.0
Short 3 RTY 1478.3, 1478.3, 1478.3, -1.4, -1.4, -1.4
Short 2 NQ 6315.5, 6315.5, -2.0, -3.0
Short 4 RTY 1479.9, 1479.9, 1479.9, 1479.9, +1.2, +1.2,
Short 2 NQ 6317.75, 6317.75, -0.0, -0.0
Short 2 NQ 6317.75, 6318.50 , 6319.25, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0
Short 4 RTY 1481.4, 1481.4, 1481.4, +1.0, +1.0, -0.4, -0.4
Short 2 RTY 1482.5, 1482.5, 1482.7, 1482.7, -0.7, -0.7, -0.7, -0.7,
Short 2 NQ 6330.5, 6330.5 -3.0, -3.0
Short 4 RTY 1486.4, 1486.4, 1486.5, 1486.5, +1.0, +1.0, +2.4, +2.4, -0.3, -0.3
Short 2 NQ 6334.75, 6334.50, -2.0, -2.0
Short 2 NQ 6336.0, 6336.0, -1.5, -1.5
Short 4 RTY 1486.5, 1486.5, 1486.9, 1486.9, -1.4, -1.4, -0.5, -0.5
Total NQ -19.0
Total RTY -1.0

The most common of the 3 possible Day Models is Test-n-Reject. It occurs on some 80% of all trading days, and therefore increases the odds of success to positions if the Trader fades the 1st trend direction of the day. The 2nd Day Model is Persistent Trend Day. It starts off in one direction and goes....and goes....and goes. Sometimes it doesn't even give you the 1st Chance Texaco setup to gas up and get in sync with. On those days, breakouts pay the way to profits. But catching onto its presence within the early action of the 1st frame is not always an easy thing to I.D. But those most adept at flipping one's rally hat around and going with those breakouts are rewarding handsomely. The game is to partial out the position to pay for the potential break-out failure, and ride the 2nd with a trading stop or reasonable 2nd unit mechanical target. ..wait for a pause and the correctly Fractal Inflection Count, and do it all over again. Although that strategy is in my Trade Plan, I was just mentally unable to flip my hat around, and so achieved a days loss limits trying to find a significant turn. Be flexible and prepared for the surprising outcome. How do I know this is true? Because today, one of the members I was trading beside in the chat room, a student, with basically the same Trade Plan as mine, kept to his plan and took those Inflection Breakout signals that I was apparently unfit for emotionally to take myself. The consequence was that he ended up with the same numerical figure in profits for the day that I had in losses. What good is a plan if you don't trade it?

Your Trade Plan should include both the best models to fade the action as well to participate in action break-out. Especially in a bull market where a succession of lows have been taken out and popular opinion sees those broken lows as indicative of a budding bear. They are not. Broken lows are simply WorkDone, and position the market to rise on the back of shorts and long re-entries after stop-outs.

Wed Nov 15 Trade Signal Summary

Long 2 YM 23222, 23222, -10, -10
Long 2 NQ 6232.75, 6232.75, +5.0, +8.0
Short 3 RTY 1458.5, 1459.3, 1459.6, -1.4, +2.0, +2.4
Short 1 NQ 6252.25, -2.5
Short 2 RTY 1463.8, 1463.8, +1.0, +3.0
Short 1 NQ 6361.75, +2.0
Short 2 RTY 1466.0, 1466.0, +0.8, +0.8
Short 1 RTY 1466.0, -0.1
Short 2 RTY 1466.1, 1466.1, +0.7, +1.0
Total YM -20
Total NQ +12.5
Total RTY +10.2

Tues Nov 14 Trade Signal Summary

Short 2 RTY 1469.0, 1468.8, -0.7, +0.7
Short 1 NQ 6291.5, -0.5
Short 3 RTY 1473.0, 1472.9, 1472.8, +1.0, +1.0, +1.6
Long 2 RTY 1471.2, 1471.4, +0.7, -0.8
Long 2 NQ 6275.75. 6275.75, -2.0, -2.0
Long 2 YM 23255, 23255, -11, -11
Long 3 YM 23249, 23249, 23249, -7, -7, -7
Long 2 RTY 1469.7, 1469.7, +1.0, +2.1
Short 1 NQ 6287.75, +7.0
Short 1 NQ 6293.25, -2.0
Short 2 NQ 6294.5, 6294.5, +3.0, +3.0
Total YM -43
Total NQ +2.5
Total RTY +6.6

Mon Nov 13 Trade Signal Summary

Short 1 NQ 6395.25, -2.5
Short 3 NQ 6399.25, 8399.25, 6399.25, +2.0, +5.0, +5.0
Short 2 NQ 6302.5, 6304.0, -3.0, -2.0
Short 2 RTY 1471.1, 1471.1, +1.0, +3.0
Total NQ +4.5
Total RTY +4.0

Fri Nov 10 Trade Signal Summary

Long 2 YM 23369, 23369, +10, +15
Short 1 RTY 1479.3, +1.8
Long 1 NQ 6285.0, +5.0
Total YM +25
Total NQ +5.0
Total RTY +1.8

Thurs Nov 9 Trade Signal Summary

Short 2 RTY 1471.0, 1471.0, +1.0, +1.0
Long 2 RTY 1469.4, 1469.4, +1.0, -1.0
Long 2 RTY 1468.6, 1468.6, +1.0, -1.6
Long 2 NQ 6273.5, 6273.5, +2.0, +10.0
Short 2 YM 23466, 23466, +22, +20
Short 1 RTY 1476.3, +2.0
Long 1 NQ 6296.0, -2.0
Total YM +42
Total NQ +10.0
Total RTY +3.4

Wed Nov 8 Trade Signal Summary

Short 1 RTY 1471.9, -0.1
Short 2 RTY 1473.2, 1473.3, 0.7, -0.6
Short 2 NQ 6315.0, 6315.0, -2.0, -2.0
Short 2 NQ 6317.0, 6316.75, -1.0, -1.0
Short 3 NQ 6319.0, 6320.0, 6320.5, -2.0, -1.0, -1.5
Short 2 NQ 6320.75, 6320.75, +5.0, +3.0
Long 1 RTY 1469.0, -0.2
Total NQ -2.5
Total RTY -1.6

Tues Nov 7 Trade Signal Summary

Short 2 RTY 1496.9, 1496.9, +1.0, +3.0
Long 1 RTY 1490.3, +2.0
Long 2 RTY 1487.2, 1487.3, +1.0, +1.5
Long 2 RTY 1486.4, 1486.0, -1.0, +1.0
Total RTY +8.5

Mon Nov 6 Trade Signal Summary

Short 1 RTY 1496.5, +2.0
Short 1 RTY 1496.7, -1.4
Short 3 RTY 1498.3, 1498.3, 1498.3, +1.2, +1.0, +2.0\
Short 1 RTY 1501.0, -0.1
Long 1 RTY 1493.1, +2.0
Total RTY +6.7

Fri Nov 3 Trade Signal Summary

Long 1 NQ 6240.0, +7.0
Long 2 RTY 1489.9, 1489.9, +0.7, +3.0
Short 1 NQ 6251.25, -0.0
Short 1 NQ 6252.0, +6.5
Total NQ +13.5
Total RTY +3.7

Thurs Nov 2 Trade Signal Summary & Journal

Short 3 RTY 1493.3, 1493.0, 1493.8, 1493.8, +0.7, -0.0, +1.0, +2.0
Long 2 NQ 6225.0, 62.25.0, -3.0, -3.0
Long 3 NQ 6223.75, 6223.75, 6223.75, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0
Long 4 YM 23295, 23295, 23296, 23296, +17, +17, +4.0, +40
Short 3 RTY 1497.0, 1498.3, 1497.8, -0.0, +1.0, +2.6
Total YM +115
Total NQ -12.0
Total RTY +7.3

Is of interest to note that certain financial and political announcements are perceived by traders as news worthy and are taken with some apprehension, even if a calm eye eventually prevails. And yet the market unravels and regathers along the same rules it is governed by otherwise, albeit a far more exaggerated fashion. That's what trading futures is all about. It's market inefficiencies we make profits on. And Karl Marx remains proven wrong at the most casual of market examinations, just as Adam Smith's observations are proven right on any day you chose to look. And just so does the market remain in its eternal paradox. We have both much to learn from price (contrary to Marx), and yet it remains governed as if by the invisible finger of Providence (to the lasting impression of Smith). We call the 'invisible force' behind price fluctuation Serial Sequent Fractal Method, the quantum physics of price movement.

Wed Nov 1 Trade Signal Summary

Long 1 NQ 6267.75, +3.0
Short 2 RTY 1511.1, 1510.9, -0.0, -1.4
Short 1 NQ 6274.0, +10.0
Short 2 RTY 1511.9, 1511.9, +1.0, -1.0
Short 2 RTY 1512.4, 1512.4, +1.0, +2.4
Total NQ +13.0
Total RTY +2.0