We reserve a special day of honor this Monday for all our fallen war heroes,who have made the ultimate sacrifice on the alter of liberty. We salute them all, and say Freedom First! There is no peace without it. Semper Fidelis
Short 1 TF 766.2, +1.3
Short 1 TF 767.1, +1.2
Short 2 TF 764.3, 764.3, -0.5, -0.5
Short 2 TF 764.0, 764.0, +0.4, +1.5
Short 1 TF 763.9, -0.2
Short 1 TF 764.1, +0.8
Short 1 TF 765.9, +1.0
Short 1 YM 12511, +25
Total YM +25
Total TF +5.0