Fri Jan 11 Trades & Journal

Short 1 TF 879.7, +0.8
Long 2 TF 878.9, 878.9, -0.1, -0.3
Short 1 TF 878.6, +0.5
Long 1 TF 876.9, -0.0
Long 1 NQ 2736.0, -1.25
Long 1 TF 875.9, -0.3
Long 1 TF 875.7, +0.7
Long 1 TF 875.8. -0.2
Short 1 TF 877.3, -0.3
Total NQ -1.25
Total TF +0.8

Same action as the rest of the week. The pace is slowed to a crawl. But today, I would have had a better net if my resolution to have more patience had stuck. I did at least take the signal at the early Russell inflection to go short, but the action was slow that I got out before it really developed. Same with the long at the lows. I bought the 875.7 1st hour lows 3 times, and judged the failure-to-launch as a sign of weakness... and exited all again before it finally climbed into a bull rally to go short. Each signal taken was according to plan setup models... but my patience did not fit the recent slower pace to the markets. Trade what's in front of you. Adjust to the day as it is. You can't change the markets. You can only change yourself.