Thurs Jan 10 Trades & Journal

Long 2 NQ 2736.5, 2736.25, -1, +2.0
Short 1 TF 877.5, -0
Short 1 TF 877.7, +1.0
Long 1 NQ 2732.0, -1.0
Long 1 TF 775.5, -0.1
Long 2 TF 874.7, 874.6, -0.2, +0.5
Long 2 YM 13325, 13325, -3, -3
Long 1 TF 874.5 874.3, -0.0, +1.0
Total YM -6
Total NQ -0.0
Total TF +2.2

Tough going again, but kept with the plan and at least stayed positive. These markets are characterized by lots of retests, small bounces, and a lot of grind, punctuated by a very sharp thrust or two which signals and trade plan do not always provide for. But as they say, it is what it is, and if better trading results from such markets require adjustments on your end. No use expecting the markets to change. We have to change ourselves, and the first thing I need is a bit more patience. Keep to the plan. Stay disciplined.