Fri Mar 1 Trades & Journal

Short 2 TF 900.1, 900.5, -0.0 -0.0
Short 1 TF 900.6, -0.0
Long 1 TF 900.2, +0.8
Short 1 TF 904.5, -0.4
Long 1 TF 902.6, -0.7
Long 2 TF 902.0, 901.8, -0.7, -0.3
Long 2 TF 901.2, 901.1, +0.8, +1.4
Long 1 TF 906.2, +1.0
Total TF +1.9

Every day is unique. No two charts are exactly alike. And yet a trading plan can account for the conditions of a general model that repeats itself in the market place again and again. Take trading the 10am and 9:55am econ reports. This is not for the faint of heart. You must have rules that keep you from getting into trouble and making the obvious mistakes. One well known vendor of software actually advises bracketing the market just before the news is released, with the idea that the breakout can be captured by fills just as it's breaking. Ha! Just try that a few times and see what it gets you. It might look fine on paper, or in the 1-min bar charts on your desktop software, but in reality, there 's probably a huge hole where there were no fills from the moment the news broke til the tip of the spike where the news first settled. After that, price tends to pull back to at least the breakout level, but sometimes much further, sometimes returning to the original trend and then creating new prices extremes in what is actually the opposite direction that the news broke to in the initial moments. How then, can you play the news, you ask? By understanding the market is only spring loaded by the news to fulfill the course of wave patterns it was destined to do anyway. That's right. Read that one again. Efficient Market Theory is a lie. The news does not change the trend. It only fulfills it with more volatility. In order to play the news, you'll have to understand Wave Theory according to the Rules of Serial Sequent (Elliott Wave won't be much help.) You can watch Webinar #1 on the ValhallaFutures website to see some examples of pre-news plays, but to learn Serial Sequent, you'll have to enroll in our course. Once understood, you can incorporate the rules of Sequent into a trade plan that allows you to trade both before and after the news, when a Serial Sequent Wave entry would have been signalling a trade anyway.