Trade Summary
Simulator Trades
Short 2 YM 14996, 14996, +7, -7
Short 3 TF 1035.8, 1036.3, 1036.2, -1.4, +0.5, -0.5
Short 3 TF 1037.1, 1037.1, 1037.3, +2.0, +0.7, +0.5
Short 2 TF 1036.1, 1035.9, +0.5, +0.4
Short 1 TF 1036.8, -0.5
Short 2 TF 1038.1, 1037.9, +0.9, +0.5
Short 2 TF 1038.4, 1038.6, +0.5, +0.5,
Total YM -0
Total TF +4.6
PM Trades Cash Trades
Short 1 TF 1043.7, +0.9
Short 2 TF 1044.7, 1044.7, +0.4, -0.5
Short 3 TF 1045.2, 1045.3, 1045.4, -0.0, +0.4, +0.5
PM Total TF +1.7
All these trades were taken on the simulator this morning, as required by a trip wire in my Trade Plan. Last week a losing week, and although the 1st in a year, still doesn't change the Behavior Governor to quit trading real money and take a series of trades on the simulator. Is a bit humbling to do this, but have found over the years that P&L far more important than being right about the next set of trades. And missing a few profits is really not the point for the long term. What matters in the long term is consistency. Although I posted those trades in this blog,
they will not appear in the Performance Archive, as I don't count those on the simulator towards those totals.
PM Addendum Some ok signals at the 2:30 Transition Time, and again at the Cash Closing, both fit trade models but TF Persistent Trend Day action seems to have denied any real correction at the short entry points. At least these last trades were from outside the penalty box of the simulator and can claim a few dollars to pay the bills with today... Stay focused and stick to the Plan !!