Wed Sep 11 Trades & Journal

Trade Summary
Short 2 YM 115218, 15221, -4, +7
Long 2 TF 1051.2, 1051.2, +0.5, +1.1
Short 2 TF 1053.3, 1053.4, +1.0, +0.5
Total YM +3
Total TF +3.1

After reaching this minimum profit level, balked at buying an ES long signal at the 10:30am Trend Check. Could have taken that with minimum risk, but in fact, there was a critical momentum component missing. Also ducked at least one short scalp trade opp in the TF after reaching this level. But the important thing is getting one's consistency back. That consists of posting profits nearly every day. And after a losing week, it is so very important to come back with a winning week, even if it was done with limited risks. Two losing weeks in a row can be so dibiliating mentally, and mental factors, notwithstanding the goal to trade indifferently to emotions, can nonetheless have such an overriding effect on all your trading efforts. Establish consistency. Trade the Plan. Be willing to quit after reaching a profit goal. It's far more important to finish the day having rung decent profits up on the cash register than worry about any missed trade opportunities, when the goal is so clearly a return-to-consistency.