Short 2 NQ 3350.25, 3350.75, -1.25, -1.5
Short 2 TF 1097.1, 1097.1, +0.7, +2.0
Short 1 TF 1098.8, -0.7
Short 2 NQ 3358.25, 3358.0, +2.0, +4.25
Short 2 NQ 3358.25, 3358.5, +2.0, +3.0
Short 3 NQ 3365.25, 3365.5, 3366.0, +2.0, -0.5, +1.5
Long 2 NQ 3361.75, 3361.25, +1.0, +1.5
Total NQ +14
Total TF +2.0
When action gets difficult in your favorite trading vehicle, like the mini Russell contract, there is no shame to move your model entries to another, like the YM or NQ. Sometimes, the setups just aren't there, or they are, and price action is intolerant of your stps and entries. Whatever the reason, your capital is always more important than forcing a trade model into something that doesn't really correspond on the screen. Accept the outcome. The market is its own authority on what works and what doesn't. Your job is to respond to the market. It cannot be controlled. But you can control yourself. Stay disciplined.