Wed Dec 18 Trades & Journal

Long 2 NQ 3466.25, 3466.25, +2.0, +2.0
Short 2 TF 1119.5, 1119.4, +0.7, +1.2
Short 1 NQ 3459.25, +3.0
Short 1 TF 1120.8, +0.7
PM trades:
Long 2 TF 1111.6, 1111.6, +0.5, +2.7
Total NQ +7.0
Total TF +5.8

Two days prior without journaling and already losing touch with the Trader. But today could not ignore the inner voice any longer because the Trader in me seemed to have lost his voice and was functioning on too much input from the Accountant and the Analyst, at least in the 1st Frame. For although my entries were solid, I was jumping out of TF shorts at the first sign of opposition and had no trade patience at all, thus leaving the lion's share of the profits on the table for the 2 best trade entry models of the morning. The PM went better, as the plan goes, as the pre-FOMC entry model called for longs on the retest of the LOD made some 20 minutes or so prior. Usually I keep a default target in place for that, but the way going back up was so riddled with resistance that I used some of that over-caution left over from the AM to take the profit at initial resistance. Like an FOMC played some months back, this proved way short of the eventual market gains, but it also prevented me from being whiplash'd out of the long by a sharp breakdown first. So the profit from that play was really just luck and caution, not good trading, and therefore cannot reward myself for the strategy or management. Two more trading days this week, and then will be off all of Christmas week. Stay focused.