Trade Summary
Long 1 NQ 6871.0, +10.0
Long 2 RTY 1566.7, 1566.7, +1.0, +2.0
Long 1 NQ 6851.0, -2.0
Long 2 NQ 6845.5, 6845.5, +5.0, -1.0
Long 2 RTY 1566.3, 1556.6, +0.2, -0.7
Short 1 NQ 6849.75, +12.0
Long 1 NQ 6824.75, -2.5
Long 1 NQ 6808.75, -2.0
Long 1 NQ 6809.5, +10.0
Short 1 NQ 6835.75, -1.0
Short 1 NQ 6838.25, +5.0
Short 1 RTY 1565.7, +2.2
Total NQ +33.5
Total RTY +4.7
Volatility is your friend. ...if you are trained in handling poisonous snakes, that is. Stick your plan. The Technical Event Concepts for entering in a dull market are exactly the same as entering in a hot one. Only the wave action is much more likely to stop you out in the fast stuff. Reduce your size. Have all four major contracts out in front of you. Go where the signals are true and the leadership is consistent. This week, that's been all in the NQ. ...and that's a bit unusual, as the NQ can be a ton of irrational exuberance--in both directions. Go where the models fit your trade plan. Trade the plan not your prejudice.