Short 1 YM 25612, +50
Long 2 YM 25400, 25400, +20, +40
Total YM 110
Sometimes trading looks easy. But it is seldom so. One forgets all the kinds of mistakes one use to make and assumes the hard won habits weren't part of the cost of today's trades. Today, the volatility was so great, that the greatest error to trading was just not hanging on. A 50 point move in the YM is usually a decent gain from an initial signaled entry near the ORB. Today, that move earned a 200 point excursion. And the trick for buying the YM at the LOD ..? ....the combination of an improved climax-momentum indicator for the YM, Serial Substitute Sequent Rule, and an old trick by W.D. Gann trick called the Decennial, but applied to numbers instead of time, and generously shared with me from Brendan Moynihan, who spent years putting it to practice in the grain markets each day, way back when. Thank you Brendan !!.