Mon Oct 27 Trades & Journal

Long 1 NQ 4024.0, +5.0
Short 1 TF 1105.1, +2.0
Long 2 TF 1101.6, 1101.0, -0.0, -1.0
Short 1 TF 1099.5, -0.7
Short 2 TF 1101.5, 1101.3, +0.7, -0.7
Short 2 NQ 4024.5, 4025.25, -2.0, -2.25
Short 2 ES 1951.75, 1952.25, +2.0, +1.25
Long 1 ES 1949.0, +2.0
Long 1 TF 1103.2, +1.0
Short 3 TF 1108.9, 1108.7, 1108.5, +0.7, +1.6, +0.7
Total ES +5.25
Total NQ +0.75
Total TF +4.3

Missed a key inflection breakout coming off the lows today, and so missed the best trade of the morning. Was not flexible enough about trend possibilities, and was slow to recover from a stp-out taking further breakdowns at those same lows. Admitting you are wrong is a difficult thing in life, but in trading, it's complicated by the need to admit your prejudices immediately on the first moment a hint of conflict arises, because the consequences are so immediate. Position for the outcome. That's what stop-n-reverse is for. The market is its own authority for trend. It needs no other. Have a Trade Plan that accommodates the inflection junctures with readily identifiable entry models. Be the Plan.