Long 2 YM 15296, 15296, +7, +30
Short 1 TF 1096.1, -0.5
Short 2 TF 1099.6, 1099.8, -0.5 -0.5
Short 3 TF 1099.5, 1099.5, 1099.6, +0.5, -0.5, +1.2
Short 2 TF 1100.2, 1100.2, +0.5 -0.5
Short 2 NQ 3449.25, 3449.25, +2.0, +8.0
Long 3 TF 1197.8, 1197.8, 1197.6, +0.5, -0.8, +0.6
Long 1 TF 1096.10, -0.7
Long 2 TF 1094.1, 1094.3, +3.0, +1.2
Long 1 NQ 3446.0, +3.0
Long 2 TF 1196.0, 1196.0, +0.5, +1.0
Total YM +37
Total NQ +13.0
Total TF +3.5
Volatility can be your friend. Or, it can be a brutal opponent. Be sure your entry models are exacting. Today, my exits were early for the most part, because--although once in place the impulse action was tremendous--I also stepped into trades too soon in several cases and was down initially in the TF. Wait for the models to complete. On volatile days, take a breath before executing and look it over once more, it might have greater distance to go before the turn is in. Increasing stop-loss length is a temptation, but if your entry models are exact, these bigger stops will probably just cost you unnecessary capital loss where a quick stp-out would have taken you to flat and as such, put you in a place more at ease as to whether the entry model has survived intact to re enter the trade. Stay focused. A volatile day is even more demanding of your complete attention.