Short 2 YM 16727, 16727, -3, -3
Long 1 TF 1131.4, -0.5
Long 2 TF 1129.5, 1129.4, -0.7, -0.5
Long 2 TF 1128.2, 1127.8, -1.4, -0.7
Long 2 NQ 3724.5, 3724.5, +2.0, -1.0
Long 1 ES 1919.75, -1.5
Long 2 TF 1125.8, 1125.9, +1.0, -0.5
Long 2 TF 1122.8, 1122.7, +1.0, -0.5
Long 2 NQ 3718.25, 3718.25, -2.25, -2.25
Long 3 YM 16690, 16690, 16690, -7, -7, -7
Long 2 TF 1120.3, 1120.3, -0.5, -0.5
Long 3 YM 16679, 16679, 16681, +10, +10, +7
Short 1 TF 1119.5, -0.5
Short 3 TF 1125.8, 1126.0, 1126.6, -1.3, -1.1, -0.5
Total YM -0
Total ES -1.5
Total NQ -3.5
Total TF -7.2
Big stretches both ends today exceeded all my trade signals and made this the worse trading day for quite awhile. And feeling the need to 'get even', allowed myself to get sucked into trading after both my loss quota and frame limitations should have kicked me out for the day, nearly doubling my losses instead of getting even. Today was indeed challenging, but there was no reason but weakness to pile it on at the end... Now, one day's loss limit was nearly made into 2 in one day. Shake it off and come back tomorrow. That's what traders do.... Resolve to restore the discipline of the behavior triggers. Any trade plan must accommodate losing days. When things settle, must re-examine my trades and my motives. But excess in the face of unusual volatility and adversity was the biggest mistake. Regain focus. Return to the Plan.
Addendum: It only took getting up from my desk and away from my screens to better examine my motives for exceeding my loss limits today. I was reluctant to give up a long winning streak, in fact, the longest in my career. And two of the best months I've ever had in total profits back to back inflicted me with a notion of arrogance and invincibility. It's as if any habits, even winning streaks, can have a deleterious effect on trading. Whether it be the seeking of glory or arrangement of profits and stops for greater security...all affect your trading to some degree. We can never quite become pure killing machines, but that is what the Trader strives for. He must leave the emotions to the Analyst and the Accountant and the relative comfort they are confined to by not being allowed to trade our accounts.... Stay strong. As for any changes to the Trade Plan as a result of today's action, there are none immediately. However, I did ignore a potential breakdown play what would ahve triggered a short entry just a quarter or third the way down, shortly after the opening. A Serial Sequent rule invites this trade entry, but as breakouts are the least of my plan, this one, like many others, is not included. Must review the frequency of this one's occurrence to see if it should be added to the Plan.