Short 1 NQ 4323.5, -3.0
Short 2 TF 1076.7, 1077.2, -0.0, -0.7
Short 1 NQ 4329.0, -2.0
Short 2 TF 1078.0, +1.0, +2.0
Short 1 NQ 4331.75, -0.0
Long 1 TF 1072.8, -1.4
Long 2 TF 1070.4, 1069.8, +1.0, +3.0
Long 1 NQ 4311.75, -3.0
Long 2 NQ 4208.5, 4208.5, -2.0, -2.0
Long 2 NQ 4203.75. 4203.75, -2.0, -2.0
Long 2 NQ 4197.0, 4197.0, -2.0, -2.0
Long 2 TF 1066.1, 1066.2, -0.7, -0.7
Long 3 TF 1064.9, 1064.9, 1064.9, +3.0, +4.0, +4.0
Long 2 NQ 4185.5, 4185.5, +8.0, +8.0
Total NQ -4.0
Total TF +10.5
Volatility can be your friend, but it can also kill you. Yesterday I found myself positioned for the mid morning collapse with shorts in ES and TF. Problem was, I had no idea that mini collapse was coming, and so got out with minimum profits and was left on the sidelines just watching as successive support levels were taken out in minutes. At the lows, could only find a buy signal in the YM, and was late to that, and failed to get in. A full recovery followed. Today, I nibbled at the NQ's better relative strength....all the way down, and accrued some unpleasant but just-manageable losses until a valid long entry model appeared in all four contracts simultaneously. That put me into 3 contracts, and the bounce was so sharp, that it was easy to trail a stop as default OCO targets were approached and met. When the bottom falls out suddenly, there's a tendency to consider that something bigger is afoot than mere technical selling. ....that the world is ended or a catastrophe is behind the market. Keep your head clear. It's just the market. It has its own internal logic and no attempts at explaining it with fundamental reasoning with ever produce anything of value to the Trader. Only the Accountant believes in such things. He's of the school of Graham & Dodd. When technical opportunities appear at the right edge of the video screen, those are the only realities of any value. Grab the opportunity and milk it for what it's worth. The bigger the plunge, the bigger the bounce once the signals are in place. And you know when to go all in when the signals appear simultaneously across all four contracts.