Tues Oct 30 Trade Signals and Journal

Short 1 RTY 1482.0, -1.5
Short 2 RTY 1484.7, 1484.7, -1.5, -1.5
Short 3 RTY 1490.4, +2.4, +3.0, +5.0
Short 1 NQ 6741.0 -2.5
Short 2 NQ 6748.0, 6748.0, -2.5, -2.5
Short 3 NQ 6751.0, 6751.0, 6751.0, -3.5, -3.5, -3.5
Short 3 RTY 1493.0, 1493.0, 1403.0, -1.5, -1.5, -1.5
Short 2 NQ 6790.0, 6790.0, -2.5, -2.5
Short 2 NQ 6802.5, 6802.5, +17.5, +17.5
Long 1 NQ 6754.75, -2.5
Long 1 RTY 1494.2 -0.7
Long 3 RTY 1488.2, +1.0, +1.0, -1.0
Long 1 RTY 1486.8 -1.5
Long 2 RTY 1484.0, 1484.0, +1.5, +5.0
Total NQ +9.5
Total RTY +6.7

Without volatility and the concept of Market Inefficiency, there'd be no trades to take at all. But sometimes the volatility can be overwhelming.... Without some strong RTY profits in an early fade, the NQ losses would have put me over the top for the day. But the concept of the Dolly Parton Sequent fractal, and the concept of fading breakouts to the ETH highs, a two-contract short in a single NQ position reversed those fortunes from the negative to the up.. Had I just quit there.... but volatility is like a moth to flames, and is very hard to resist as entry signals begin to pop all over the place.... if you oan make your book on such days, best to close the register early....