Wed Jan 21 Trades & Journal

Short 1 YM 17444, -12
Short 3 YM 17462, 17462, 17462, +7, +17, +30
Long 3 YM 17404, 17396, 17391, -12, -12, -12
Long 3 YM 17375, 17375, 17375, +20, +20, +35
Total YM +81

Takes trades where you find them. Sometimes signals are scant in the early going. Today, it was all in the YM for the 1st frame of the day. Be prepared to re-enter after being stp'd out if the aspects of the Entry Model are still in place, but the stretch of prices has exceeded initial support levels and proceeded to the next. Such things are not predictable. We don't predict, we position. ...and then once in the trade, we manage. Be alert. Be rehearsed. If this, then that. This is the role of the Trader.