Short 2 TF 1169.8, 1169.8, +.5, +1.2
Short 1 TF 1169.9, -0.4
Long 1 NQ 3587.5, -0.0
Short 1 TF 1168.9, +1.0
Short 1 TF 1167.5, -0.3
Long 1 TF 1168.2, -0.4,
Long 1 TF 1168.2, +0.2
Total NQ -0
Total TF +1.8
Some days are better for trading than others. A little more patience and a slightly bigger stp would have afforded a daily profit goal from the last long position. Patience is a serious short coming to my trading. Having patience means you can endure the slow grinding rallies that come as the 1st frame is ending, and the volatility is winding down. Consider the last trade signal. Measure it against the momentum. Consider leaving your stop on a runner to no more than break-even, and 'position yourself to be surprised'. ...and a good weekend to all...