Thu Jan 23 Trades & Journal

Trade Summary
Long 2 TF 1168.8, 1169.0, +1.2, +0.5
Long 2 YM 16136, 16136, -3, -3
Short 2 TF 1166.1, 1166.1, +0.5 +0.5
PM Trades
Short 1 TF 1165.3, -0.1
Short 1 TF 1165.1, -0.3
Long 1 ES 18157.5, -1.0
Short 1 TF 1164.6, -0.0
Short 2 TF 1165.0, 1165.2, -0.4, -0.2
Long 1 TF 1165.1, -0.1
Total ES -1.0
Total YM -6
Total TF +1.1

Sometimes a big gap will take the swing volatility out of the market in 1st Frame. Was so today, and as such, found only a few trades to fit plan. Can say I stuck pretty well to it, but did miss a good trade model entry in the NQ while focusing a bit too hard on the TF. In the PM, have a rule not trade away past AM profits, so as not to take a positive day into a negative one. And in the ensuing PM chop, could find nothing but stp-outs to show for my efforts. About the best I can say was that I did at least follow that rule and quit before going negative. Some days are better for trading than others. And quite willing to admit that perhaps other methods and management styles might be produced better results. One day is not enough to consider any changes to a trade plan, if that plan is working far more often that it fails. Tomorrow is another day... Stay focused.