Fri Mar 7 Trades & Journal

Short 2 YM 16474, 17479, -3, +10
Short 2 YM 16486, 16486, +7, +20
Long 1 ES 1875.0, +2.0
Short 1 YM 16460, +25
Short 1 YM 16576, -3
Short 2 TF 1204.2, 1204.1, +2.0, +0.5
Short 1 TF 1204.7, -0.3
Total ES +2.0
Total YM +56
Total TF +2.2

In fast action, you have to see the trade models from your Trade Plan setting up before they arrive at the right edge of your video screen. By the time they've arrived, it is too late to get ready. You must be ready with your auto-trade strategy from your trade platform ready to be clicked in. If you have no trade models, then fast action is just a blur and by the time your tape reading skills have caught up with the intuition necessary for judgement, the trade is already gone. Discipline begins with having a Trade Plan in the first place. The Analyst is not allowed to trade.