Mon Mar 24 Trades & Journal

Long 2 YM 16266, 16266, -7, -7
Long 2 NQ 3627.25, 3624.5, -2.0, -1.0
Long 2 TF 1185.2, 1185.2, +0.7, +1.2
Long 2 TF 1184.6, 1184.1, -1.0, -0.5
Long 3 TF 1184.0, 1184.0, 1183.7, +0.7, +0.7, +2.3
Long 2 YM 16218, 16217, +5, -7
Long 1 TF 1176.7, -0.5
Long 2 TF 1176.0, 1176.2, +0.7, +1.2
Long 1 TF 1174.9, +1.5
Long 1 TF 1169.6, -0.7
Long 1 TF 1168.5, +4.0
Total YM -16
Total NQ -3.0
Total TF +10.3

There were two perfect and simple in-trend trades with the trade plan today, as prices proceeded to collapse totally. I wasn't in front of the screen at the Open for the 1st, and balked at the 2nd. The first was a simple aberration of the 3-bar ORB in the TF. Don't be late to the Open. You can miss so much. And although I've taken Opening trades from the plan fairly consistently these past weeks, nearly none of them worked. ...except the one I missed today, and that one was huge. The second simple trade missed was the 1st Series Double Pump. It takes some faith that the current trend will be sustained beyond support/resistance numbers to take breakouts that can develop so many points deep into the trend. But the fact that I've balked at the last 3 of those entry models in recent sessions should have been a reinforcement for my psyche to make the change. It was not. I'll take the next one. ...and as punishment for having missed the last 3 that worked so well to catch in-trend breakouts, the next one will surely fail. But that's ok. I need to get in the game on that trade entry model. I'm tired of missing it, and even more tired of having to report in my journal that I balked at taking it again. ... Luckily today, the counter trend bounces in the TF were so big, and even failing to take the in-trend plays still left me with more profit than I usually make in the single 1st Frame's trading. Stay focused. Identify your weaknesses, and your resolutions to change. Accept those changes as ingredients to better success, and take the trades in your plan.