Wed Mar 5 Trades & Journal

Long 1 TF 1204.7, -1.0
Long 2 TF 1202.3, 1202.3, +2.5, +2.2
Long 2 TF 1204.3, 1204.2, -0.5, +0.5
Long 2 TF 1202.1, 1202.1, +0.5, +1.6
Long 1 TF 1202.0, +2.2
Total TF +8.0

As difficult as it was to find turns and reversals yesterday was it easy to do so today. ...if your Trade Plan was inclusive of 1st Frame reversal models. And if so, you have to be willing to follow that plan in the blink of a moment when those models appear at the right edge of your video screen. Have a Trade Plan that demonstrates the market's propensity to repeat itself in confluent models. Trade your plan regardless of the news and any trend prejudice that creeps into your thinking.