Mon Mar 3 Trades & Journal

Short 2 TF 1173.9, 1174.0, +1.3, +0.5
Short 1 TF 1174.8, +1.7
PM trades:
Short 1 TF 1173.4, -0.3
Short 2 TF 1173.9, 1173.3, +1.5, +0.5
Total TF +5.2

It's best to trade with a profit goal for the day, and/or for the frame. Mine is 5 pts TF equivalent for the frame or the day. In early going when you hit, say, 3 pts in the TF, you can feel a mix of pressure to get the next trade right and angst over losing what you have. Going from +3 in the early going down to +1 while trying to get up to +5 is a discouraging thing. The Accountant speaks up loudly at such moments, and shouts out "You idiot!!" Today, I could hear those words from him even before he had to say it, and as a result missed a Trade Entry Model in the NQ that would have made my goals in the 1st Frame without even having to come back and trade again the Last Frame. After that, no other action fit my list of entry models. ....until the PM frame arrived. I'd like to say it was patience, but in truth, I simply came back to the screen and it was there talking to me.... Stepping away from the screen for while is not usually a bad idea, even if you miss a trade while you're gone.... Stay focused.