Thur Mar 12 Trade Signals and Journal

Long 1 ES 2549.5, -.5
Long 1 ES 2494.24, +19.75
Short 1 NQ 7571.25, -0.75
Short 1 NQ 7590.0, +42.5
Total ES +19.25
Total NQ +41.75

The sweeping swings of such incredible volatility do indeed offer tremendous opportunity... and if you pick your targets wisely, you can also get your stop-loss to break-even very quickly. The earlier in the frame you go, the cleaner the turns... but think how most small traders approach this just the opposite. They wait til 'things settle down', and get caught later in the frame in nothing but chop. Go early, go home. Stay safe, and away from crowds.

Note: contracts roll today, and the volume begins to shift to the new contract noticeably after the 1st hour. That's why we continue trading the retiring contract for the 1st frame, and roll for trades thereafter.