Short 2 RTY 1557.7, 1557. +0.7, +2.0
Short 1 NQ 7311.5, +4.0
Long 1 RTY 1552.7, -1.4
Long 3 RTY 1550.9, 1550.9, 1550.9, +1.0, +1.0, -0.4
Long 1 YM 25760, -7
Long 2 YM 25714, -8, -8
Long 2 YM 25712, 25712, -1, -1
Long 3 RTY 1543.6, 1543.6, 1543.6, 1.0, +2.0, +1.9
Long 1 RTY 1543.0, -0.8
Long 1 RTY 1543.1, +3.0
Short 1 NQ 7473.0, +4.0
Long 1 RTY 1541.0, +2.0
PM Trades:
Short 2 RTY 1521.7, 1521.7, +3.0, +3.0
Short 2 NQ 7408.5, 7508.5, +10.0, +14.5
Total YM -25
Total NQ +32.5
Total RTY +18.8
The level of volatility continues to astound. ...but even more astounding, is the fact that even in the most volatile of conditions, the Serial Sequent Fractal Algorithm continues to expose the demarcations of End-of-Trend, and End-of-Pullback price levels.